
Make the list, check it twice

I know that I am a bit hormonal this week. I think that is why I am on freak out mode. You know what I'm talking about. My thoughts are consumed with what I think needs to be done, what I would like to have done and all other thoughts. I'm not happy but I'm not sad. I'm frustrated yet relaxed.

Chip away.

That's Bo's advice. Make a list and start chipping away at it.

Isn't he smart? I should make a list. I'm always making a list though. I'm always writing down my thoughts. Just to turn around and not have anything accomplished. I drive myself nuts. Honestly, I do.

Three of my sweetest girlfriends and I have started a Bible study this July. In fact today the first post is due. We're doing it in a blog format. Anyway, I started to journal my thoughts as I read our first book. I wrote the verse and what it spoke to me. Short and sweet. My everyday lists are the same. Short and sweet. It's my life changing lists that overwhelm me. Not the change or chore needed to be done but the process in which I do them or think they need to be done. Does that make sense? I'm not an executor. I'm a planner. I see the vision but have no idea how to get there. I should hire a team. LOL Wouldn't that be lovely?

So anyway, I'm in the kitchen washing dishes and sort of gripping in my spirit about the toys that need to be cleaned out. Fussing about the test results that need to be sent and so on. In that moment God spoke to me. He said that I should make my list but keep it short and sweet. Write out what I want like 'Clean/organize boys' rooms' but don't write the day/time or how. Just write it down and allow God to tell me the day/time and how. Give Him my list and stop freaking out over the details.

Isn't it hard? Isn't it hard to surrender all the time over every little thing? But that is exactly what He tells us to do.

Cast your cares ... be anxious for nothing ... pray without ceasing ...

Yes, He wants us to have a goal, a plan but He doesn't want those things to become a stronghold that keeps us up at night or keeps us tightly wound up. His grace is sufficient. He has just what I need just when I need it. It is perfect for me and for my situation.

So tonight I am going to sit down with a good cup of coffee, a notebook and pen. I'm going to gather my thoughts, take them captive and hand them, with my list, over to my God. Then I will sit back, rest in His presence and listen.