
I'm back

I know it has been so long since I have posted anything. Some of it has been Facebook. It seems easier to post a little one liner then share my thoughts here.

I have been through so much the past few months. I don't want to share right now, at least not all of it. I will share this ...

The boys are in school and boy is was it like ducks to water. I give shouts of Glory all day long to Christ! I have a job. I'm a receptionist at a veterinary hospital. I love it. Again another reason to shout some Glory.

God has really been cleaning me up. I feel like we are on over drive. Amen? It's not just me. I've shared my struggles with some people and it seems that God is moving in so many areas, so quickly with just one person. One friend said to me that she knows God is moving in everyone lives and that she senses that He is sifting right now. Getting us, Christians and Non, our country and the world, ready for His return. I pray so.

My heart has never been so broken then it is right now BUT my heart has NEVER been more tended to. That is the miracle! It's not that I don't hurt, that is not the miracle. It's KNOWING and FEELING that I am in the cleft of the Rock. That He is still on His throne. The miracle is doing what I didn't think I could do. Knowing what I didn't think I could know. Being who I didn't think I could be.

God is merciful, kind, loving and gentle. He is my all. He provides. He redeems. He sustains. He protects. He is my joy, my comfort and my Lord.

Well, I just moved this past weekend. So I should be getting off here and unpack.

If you think about me and my family please keep us in prayer. There is power in prayer, it works.

Here are some basic requests you could lift up:
Get the house organized and settled
Unity among my boys
Clear thinking
Provision for all things
Science projects that are due at the end of March :)
Band project that is due at the end of March :)
Peace and Joy in my home
For my sons to feel God's love and presence in their hearts.

Thank you all! Please let me know if I can pray for you. If you have a private matter we'll figure out a way to exchange emails. Other wise you can leave a general comment. God knows your need - I don't have to know :)