
A summer full of possibilities!

Man, it's been a long time since I have written anything.

Well, I'm just going to dive in.

This summer feels like it is going to be full of possibilities for me to grow and learn, laugh and love, and rest and renew. I can't wait.

The past couple of years have been a place of deep valleys for me. I've had some moments where I felt like I was standing on giant mountains but looking back they were only little hills. That's okay. Whether in the valley or on the hill I have been with my Jesus. He has brought such great healing into my life. I feel like I'm back and better then ever.

I wouldn't trade a single tear or moment of fear. I wouldn't trade a sleepless night. I will not replace Man's peace for Him.

So with all that I look at this summer as an endless possibility to dig deeper, go farther. I have a new resound of the way things should be. I'm studying His Word again. Deeply studying. Looking forward to the fall where I will be hosting/leading a Bible Study. I'm back to writing again.

I am back to looking at each new day as a way to be with Him. God has intensified my heart toward my ministries again.

Oh how I needed my valleys. I needed my valleys because I needed to get back to just Him. I needed to feel like everything was stripped away so that I could remember the One to whom I belong. I needed to remember that I am strong because He gives me strength.

Yes, I needed my valleys to get back to myself. God created me a certain way with a certain part of Him. I cherish it and am thankful for it.

If you take away anything from this post I pray you get this ... Cherish the valley you are in. Cherish the climb up the mountain. You just wont believe the view from the top!