The curricula that God has chosen requires me to be very hands on with the boys. Something in the past I haven't cherished. Don't misunderstand me. I have cherished the boys and I love playing with them but being serious and homeschooling, well, I have struggled.
I'm excited about what God is doing in my life. We have come so far together. It has been a privilege and an honor to be His daughter.
Something happened today that still brings tears to my eyes. Perhaps you won't understand but I am going to share any way! :)
I have been praying off and on for God to bring to us (the boys and I) some friends. We have great friends but they either have moved, don't homeschool, or have younger kids. I wanted to find a mom who homeschooled and had boys around my boys' ages. Oh yeah, and a mom who didn't mind meeting up twice or so a month.
Another thing I was praying about was a co-op of sorts. Now, co-ops scare me. I don't want to teach and I don't want to spend money. I have heard of some where you help out where you can like cleaning or organizing emails. Now, that doesn't seem so bad but I know that could quickly overwhelm my family time. So that is not really an option ... at this time.
Well, I received an email from this mom who has four boys. She and I have never met but she saw on one of my yahoo groups that I have three boys. Her kids are 11(almost 12), 9 (10 next month), 7 (just turned) and 5 (in two weeks). Can y'all believe it? Not only that but she teaches with her girlfriend a co-op. So we arranged to meet at the park. She lives just about 10 - 15 minutes away from me. I had express that I wasn't interested in a co-op but I would love to get her boys together with mine. Also, that I was looking for some fellowship too.
I kept praying all week that this would answer my prayer concerning friendships.
Today we met. It was so nice. We are very like-minded. From discipline, homeschooling and basically life in general. It was nice and refreshing. We talked about all sorts of things. Of course we kept coming back to homeschooling. She explained all about the co-op. She patiently answered my questions. Basically I just need to show up. ;) She teaches science (which Matthew has been begging me to do other then read books and go to the museum). Her friend teaches Virginia History. It's from 1 - 3p on Tuesdays. For the younger kids another mom is going to do history and science stuff with some crafts for about 15 to 20 minutes each hour. The rest of the time will be play time or coloring. She said that there are 3 other moms who come and hang out. And get this ... they ALL drink coffee! LOL She said that she is a huge coffee nut (or should I say bean? :)) and has all the fancy creamers! That sealed the deal for me!
Seriously though, my spirit was quickened. I knew that God has answered my prayer. And that of my boys. He is so awesome. I am so excited about this.
I'm not all sure what is going to come out of this friendship and co-op but I know I am going to be blessed. Who knows maybe in a few months I will tell y'all about how I am teaching the younger ones. :)
God has a way of growing us up. A way of stretching us. A way of answering us.
This year is going to be huge for me. I can feel it deep in my bones. I can't wait. For I know that if He has ordained it, it can only bring me pleasure and peace. Even if some things are hard and I want to give up, I know that I know it is all for His glory!

I get the same sense about your upcoming school year. It will be a great year for you and you will grow and mature in ways that you never anticipated. I am so excited for you!!!
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