
The Ten Commandments

So, I have been listening to The Way of The Master on the car radio. They believe that you can not present the Gospel unless you first present the Law. Basically they feel that if you do not show people that they are sinners and how they sin, based on God's Laws, then they will not truly understand why they need a savior. When the people from The Way of The Master, like Kirk Cameron, witness to someone they go over the Ten Commandments. The people admit that they are lying, thieving, and adulterers in need of a Savior. Well, at least most do. Then they are presented Christ.

This got me thinking. I agree with them. I have had some friends who I did not share the Law. I didn't show them how they were sinners. I just told them they were. Then I just talked about how good God is. How He heals marriages and forgives our sins. Yes, all very true! Yes, all part of the message but not the only message. My dear friends, when faced with trial, turned away from God. They didn't understand how to persevere. How to fight the good fight because basically I didn't reveal that there was a fight. I made God out to be fluffy and sweet, lavishing about His love for us. How we are the apple of His eye. How He desires a relationship with us. Again all very true but not all of the story. I didn't do that on purpose. I didn't realize that they couldn't have the understanding I have of God because they had just met Him. I have been through some fires with Him. I have been healed, delivered, chastised, forgiven, accepted, you name it, He and I have been there. I was giving an impression of God that has taken me over 20 years to know. Simply put, I forgot the basics. That we are all sinners in need of a Savior.

So, that got me thinking some more. How many times I have reflected on The Ten Commandments? Not many, I assure you! Unless talking about them with my boys, I really don't think twice about it. How sad. Out of sight, out of mind. I know what I should and shouldn't be doing, at least I think so. :) I know that a lot of my struggles come from heart issues. After all, I am a New Testament Christian. But my faith does have another side to it. God is merciful, kind, and good but He is also my Judge.

I sat down the other day and began to read Exodus chapter 20. My heart ached as I read them. I had read down to the fifth commandment and still couldn't find one that I hadn't recently broke! God began to speak to me what each one meant for me, a New Testament believer.

Over the next week or so I am going to write what God and I talked about. I believe He shared things with me that are from His heart.

God is so patient and kind.

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