Praise God for wonderful friends who are willing to listen. Thank you Lord for my friend Bree who doesn't mind telling me what to do!
I was complaining to Bree that one of my children is not really reading. One child wants to read but I'm not doing anything with it. Oh and another child should/could be reading more but I never push the issue.
So, in her wisdom, which truly does come from the Lord, said that I needed to take a week with the child who isn't reading and focus on phonics. Make sure he understands his sounds. Do little worksheets that enforce what he is learning.
Then she said that I just need to have the youngest read. Same with the oldest. LOL She used more tact then that but basically, yeah, I need to stop being so lazy. My words ... not hers.
So that was my plan. Bo was going out of town Wednesday morning and I thought "PERFECT!" I don't have to worry about any set times because 'Daddy' won't be coming home. So if we just have hot dogs and pop corn for dinner then great. :) If we are still doing lessons at 7 at night then great. :)
So that was my plan. That is as far as it got. However, all was not lost. We played Rummy all day. We all took turns being the score keeper. We all took turns announcing the scores after each hand. We laughed. We snacked on pop corn, cheese and crackers and drank a lot of Kool-aid.
Hey, come on, you know you can't beat that!
Today the boys were at my mom's. I used this time to organize some things and pray. I really spilled everything to Him today. I feel refreshed. I know that things are not as they seem. In my Bible study, which is on the power of speech, God revealed to me how I still have some areas of my thought life that is in ruins.
I do believe that is why there is a block with homeschooling. It's not that I am lazy (sure, sometimes I am) or that I am selfish with my time (well, sometimes I am) it's more about my thoughts. I don't believe I am capable of doing this. So "why bother" becomes a nagging banner hanging in my brain. Or "I can't do this" is the only phrase I can hear.
Glory to God though! I am taking my thoughts captive. I am tucking the lies under the belt of truth. Lining it up with God's Word. If it doesn't match then it is a lie and I will not tolerate it. Glory!
So ... how about you? Ever had the urge to get back to the basics in life?

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