
Letter to my Dad

During my quiet time, in the morning I might add (wink wink to Laura and Bree), God put on my heart to write my Dad a letter. So I did. I had no idea what to really say. My heart was just over flowing with the fact that he doesn't know Jesus. Not only doesn't he know Him but my Dad flat out denies His existence.

In my letter I shared my desire for him to know The Savior. To understand his separation from God. I explained sin, repentance and forgiveness. I can't really tell you much more then that. While writing the letter I had a vision of Annabelle reading it to him. My dad can read but in the vision she is reading to him and she becomes saved! Then while writing I had another vision of my sister finding the letter on the kitchen and table and she gets saved too!

I don't know the exact plans our Father has but I am confident that He wants all us to know Him, I mean really know Him.

I didn't hesitate, I mailed it out. I haven't heard anything, nor have I called. Some of it is because I am a big CHICKEN. The other part is that this is our relationship ... I call or write every so often and he does the same.

I pray that this resonates with him. I am also praying that God sends someone to him to water the seed. Someone that is there to answer questions and pray.

Well, that is about it so far. Maybe the next post about my Dad will have some rejoicing in it!

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